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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

Gloria Jean

Sitting at the mirror,

a precious little girl

looking deep inside herself

into another world.

She wasn’t sure she liked

The reflection that was seen.

She knew her name yet could not see

the treasured Gloria Jean.

She saw herself as she thought others did

Finding each and every flaw,

When she looked at her reflection

It wasn’t herself she saw.

She saw a girl who seemed so weak,

A girl quite plain and dull.

She felt like she was not a gift

to anyone at all.

God saw Gloria Jean’s heart was troubled

And one night in a dream

He opened up her eyes and mind

And this is what was seen.

God said, “You are a gift and more than just to me!”

He then began to show her things that no one else could see.

She saw herself through eyes

that weren’t hers at all.

She now could see with God’s own eyes

Another girl so small.

Perplexed by what she now could see

A new and different reflection,

She realized she knew this girl

But struggled to make the connection.

The girl that was before her now

Was beautiful and brave,

Deep blue eyes full of passion

And a heart that gave and gave.

Then suddenly before her

A young woman did appear.

An adoring husband by her side

And four children she held dear.

Carefully she reminded

each of her little ones

That they were special, loved, and smart

Magnificent and fun.

She then turned to her husband

Looking deep into his eyes

Without a word she let him know

He was her perfect prize.

Love beamed from her heart like sun rays

Kindness from her pores

Patience, understanding, peace

That stretched to distant shores.

Then God said,”This girl you see,

Is the same one that I see.

 I see YOU as a gift

and the gifts not just to me.”

As Gloria Jean awoke

From a long and restful sleep

She realized that this amazing dream

Was a gift for HER to keep.

God made her just as He saw fit

Each piece and every part,

And only God can fill the holes

That lie within our heart.

On this special birthday

Know that you may get lots of gifts but to us

YOU are the gift!

With Love,



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