As I sit here at the library distracted by the screaming child that isn't getting her way, the man with the laptop that has no headphones, the phone that no one seems to answer, and the lady at reference that is talking like she is at a concert I wonder to myself, why do I not have a computer at home with Internet? I just wanted to go to my favorite place and relax. Not today. After stopping and just really listening it came to me that amidst all the distractions its so easy to get caught up in what is going around me that I forget my purpose. What is my purpose, you ask? Well, let me tell purpose is to be the kind of person that draws people to Christ. Not because I am so holy, because I'm so far from where I'd like to be in that area, but because they can see something different in me. I wonder if I measure up? I wonder if my attitude is just as it should be? Ok, so the answer is probably not...seeing that I just complained about the above mentioned annoyances at the library! Reflection has really helped me see what I need to change about me. It helps me look at my day and see what I did right, what I did wrong, and what I want to do better. So the annoyances I spoke of earlier turned out to be more of a lesson in self-reflection. Amazing how if I just stop and listen, God has a lesson for me. Distractions aren't always bad, sometimes they serve a greater purpose. Instead of keeping me from doing what it is I need to do, they point me back to my purpose!
Lovin' it. Strange how I can change my attitude from the beginning of my blog to the end just by stopping and listening to the distractions.